


企业移动性, that has happened through ambitious leadership that never loses sight of the connection and communities on which our success is built. Discover key moments and milestones below throughout our history and see how a family-owned organization has become a global mobility leader.

Before it was a household name, the brand that would become Enterprise was the vision of St. 路易斯海军老兵杰克C. 泰勒.

刚服完兵役, 杰克把毕生的积蓄都投资在他的新事业上, 基于他在进取号航空母舰上所学到的基本原则. 从一开始, 杰克对诚信的承诺, 努力工作, 合作和同志情谊是他建立的组织的基础.



当其他汽车租赁公司专注于机场时,杰克选择了一条不同的道路. 从一个由七辆汽车组成的小车队开始,在St. 路易斯汽车经销商, 正是在这里,杰克塑造了我们的商业模式, 倾听那些需要在他们居住和工作的地方租车的客户的意见. 在早期, it was Jack's vision that led to an unparalleled neighborhood network of locations that still exists today.



杰克, 同事就像家人一样——不久之后, 杰克真正的家人在帮助企业走向成功. 杰克的儿子安迪? C. 泰勒就任总统 & 1991年的CEO. Andy shaped the vision of the organization for over two decades and helped it grow into the robust industry leader it is today while continuing to act as a steward of the values Jack established at its founding.

In 2013, 当时的企业控股(Enterprise Holdings)任命了第一位女性首席执行官, 从业30年的帕姆·尼科尔森. 尼科尔森, who began her career at Enterprise as a management trainee fresh out of college and rose through the ranks, helped expand the organization’s international reach through a growing network of franchise partners.


作为泰勒家族的第三代传人来指导组织, Chrissy正在追求新兴技术, ambitious sustainability efforts and new customer service advantages that will drive Enterprise Mobility and its affiliates into the future. 今天, 克丽丝在开车, a new generation of innovative leaders is shaping the next great chapter of the organization’s history.